Welcome to the Postgrad DCH-Courses platform. Here, you can find information on all the available postgraduate courses aligned to Digital Cultural Heritage, Digital Humanities and Digital Social Sciences worldwide. This comprehensive list provides essential information about the current state of the art (2023), allowing you to compare the different institutional offerings by location, time of studies, tuition fees and ECTS requirements to enable your choice of study. Moreover, special attention is given to courses which are based on the EU ERASMUS+ initiative, as well as to the Bologna process.
This unique platform is the result of years-long efforts of the UNESCO Chair on Digital Cultural Heritage as a part of the ongoing work from several EU funded projects at the Cyprus University of Technology's Digital Cultural Heritage Lab, including the EU H2020 ERA Chair Mnemosyne Project, ERASMUS+ ARTEST, CREAMS, Digital Europe EUreka3D, H2020 Textour,H2020 Impactour, Horizon Europe ANCHISE, ERASMUS+ IN.DA.CO, Horizon Europe ENGINEER project, as well as the EU DARIAH and CLARIN Research Infrastructures.
The platform is frequently updated to reflect the rapidly changing landscape in the domain of Education on Digital Cultural Heritage, Digital Humanities and Digital Social Sciences skills and understanding. We hope you find it both useful and informative and wish you all the best in finding the right course for developing your future career in this new evolving and promising area of Education, Research and Innovation.